What's New37 articles2024.12.31_Automated Red Text for Exports2024.12.13_Remove Backgrounds from Your Spec Images2024.11.27_Use the latest DPSync Version 5.3.23! Show all
Folders & Specs31 articlesWhat are Projects?How do I know what to choose in “Manage Quantities & Locations” when creating a Project?Are there different ways to search or filter specs?Show all
Syncing with Revit8 articlesWhere can I download DP Sync for Revit?What versions of Revit does DP Sync support?Where can I find my User Token?Show all
Exports7 articlesHow do I export specifications from my project?Can I export a pdf with a cover page, table of contents and page numbering?How do I modify the date on my exports?Show all
Account Management6 articlesHow do I invite users into my firm's account?Who can see my information?What are Super Users?Show all