How do I modify the date on my exports?

2 min. readlast update: 06.14.2024

Faster, But Less Control 

Perfect for small projects with limited revisions.

If you are a Super-User, in the upper right corner of the project page, click the "Actions" drop-down and select "Project Status".

Next, select an "Event" such as Issued or Submitted, assign the corresponding date, and click the "+" button to add the "Event" to the list. Last step, designate which dates you want to be Date 1 and   Date 2. Typically, Date 1 would be the initial submission date and Date 2 would be the future revision dates. 

 *Project Status to be sunset in 2024.


A Little Slower, But Complete Control 

Better for large projects with ongoing revisions.

In a very similar fashion, you can also designate different dates for individual specs. Located within the top action bar under Bulk Edit, you can assign Spec Dates by filtrating the spec list, selecting all specs in view, and assigning Spec Dates to the set. You'll also notice a check box beneath the "Submit" button to likewise bulk deselect any previously assigned active dates.

Lastly, should you need to bulk delete any Spec Dates, expand into the Spec Dates filter in the right column of the page and click the "Edit" icon in the upper right corner of this module. A light-box will open allowing you to view all Spec Dates that exist in your project. Select the corresponding rows that you wish to delete and click the "Delete" button.

*Note, Spec Dates work best in conjunction with Revisions.

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