Can I create a spec template for my projects?

2 min. readlast update: 06.14.2024

Absolutely! This is one of the most crucial features of the platform. If you haven't set up a Spec Template yet, please do so. Note that since Spec Templates impact all users, only Super Users can access this functionality.

What are Spec Templates?

Spec Templates enhance consistency and reduce the likelihood of mistakes by allowing you to pre-define categories that align with your code/tags (e.g., CH-01, TB-01, etc.) per project type as we understand that this information may vary across different segments within your firm. Then, you can pre-load attributes and notes per category to ensure everything aligns perfectly.

Where to start?

You’ll likely bounce back and forth between the Categories and Attributes tabs. Within the Categories tab, you’ll define the code/tags you’d anticipate seeing when someone first creates a spec. For example, you might create Chair-Highback with CH, Chair-Barstool with CB, and Chair-Lounge with CL, and then assign these template categories to the relevant DP Categories (or Custom DP Categories).

For Attributes for these types of Chairs, you’ll probably want your designers to fill in Model #, Width, Length, Overall Height, Seat Height, Arm Height, Shell/Body Material, and Base/Legs Material. Rather than having to re-create these same Attributes repeatedly per code/tag, within the Attributes tab, you can create the Attributes for Chairs once and then assign those attributes to each Chair code/tag within the Categories tab.

Additionally, after assigning Attributes, you can pre-define Notes as well. Here’s a helpful article that dives deep into the various types of notes we support.

Lastly, below the Notes, you can assign the corresponding project types as appropriate.


Spec Templates in Action…

Once the templates are setup, whenever a designer adds a product to a project, he/she will see a dropdown list of all the available Spec Categories and upon selecting a category, all the information that you’ve developed above will load on the screen.


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